The latest DOT news and updates on our work with the departments and the industry.
DOT Advisory Board
In the 18 years I have been working with DOTs to understand their needs and streamline
material acceptance methods, while navigating process and specification development.
The balancing of giving the precast producers what they need while maintaining DOT priorities
for QA/QC inspections and paying attention to state-specific elements has always been the
goal. The landscape of DOT is always changing, so it is an ongoing effort to communicate
needs and priorities to all sides.
The creation of the DOT Advisory Board has been a vision years in the making. Who better to
understand the needs of DOT than DOT personnel? In promoting third-party certification and
developing DOT relationships over the years, it became apparent that mobilizing a group of
transportation professionals and creating a unified approach made a lot of sense.
Maintaining QPLs and performing physical audits has proven to be challenged by the pandemic,
not only for DOTs, but providers of third-party certification programs as well. With this new world
we are living in, re-evaluating data transfer processes and increasing technology in these
programs is a must. Software systems currently exist that can make information exchanges more
fluid and give our transportation partners what they need. Gravitating from previous methods
and advancing these technical tools will require new ways of thinking.
The purpose of the DOT Advisory Board is to communicate the needs of the customer (DOT)
and foster strong communication regarding all aspects of third party certification.
Better communication and more consistent discussion is key moving forward. The Advisory board is chaired by Cabell Garbee, P.E., Manufactured Products Engineer, Materials and Tests Unit, North Carolina Department of Transportation. Bringing more than 30 years of experience to chairing the Board, Cabell is an industry veteran with deep insights into the transportation landscape. Through his vision, I will act as a liaison and coordinate communication with a goal of developing more efficient QA/QC processes and enhancing material acceptance and specification development.
I sincerely look forward to continuing my role representing the interests of the precast industry, but now giving a stronger voice to my DOT partners with a goal of enhancing data transfer and opening new lines of communication. I encourage anyone to reach out with questions and concerns about the DOT Advisory Board and look forward to the discussion.
Richard Krolewski
Regulatory Resources LLC
One of our primary goals is supporting the interests of third-party certification programs and facilitating open communication among producers, certification programs and project owners. By sharing expectations among these key partners, we are advancing third-party certification while moving toward processes that will ensure seamless transfer of QA/QC data to build more efficiency into the system.